Who can use Mind Sequencing?
Anyone who can say their ABCs or count to 10 in silence can use the power of Mind Sequencing. You just need to be able to focus your attention for a few seconds to start.
How long does Mind Sequencing take?
Mind Sequencing tactical meditations can take as little as five seconds and can last as long as needed to shift your energy to achieve a specific purpose. Some of the more common ones take from 5 to 10 seconds. For a “big shift”, you can take as long as a common self-guided meditation, from 5 to 20 minutes. We recommend that you practice short ones, medium ones, and long ones, so you can have a variety of techniques at your disposal.
What’s the difference between Mind Sequencing and The Complete Mind Sequencing System?
Mind Sequencing Tactical Meditations, “sequences of thought and action”, are one of the four components of The Complete Mind Sequencing System. The other three components are:
- The Daily Practices (Daily Self-Reflection and Daily Progress Tracking, to increase self-awareness and to document your growth)
- Life Analysis (Four exercises to increase your understanding of your world view and subconscious mind)
- Gathering and Sharing Wisdom (interspersed with the training modules)
For more information, see the Essential Guide to Mind Sequencing presentation.
Does Mind Sequencing replace other forms of meditation?
Mind Sequencing can replace other forms of meditation, but we understand and appreciate the value that they offer. Contemplation, Guided Meditations, Self-Guided Meditations, Focused Attention, and especially Silent Mindfulness are just wonderful! Enjoy and employ whatever techniques draw you closer to Spirit – that is the goal.
How does Mind Sequencing compare to Mind Valley?
We haven’t tried the Mind Valley programs. From what we can see online, Mind Valley is a university of sorts created by Vishen Lakhiani, the author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.
How does Mind Sequencing compare to The Work by Byron Katie?
I love Katie’s “The Work” and love her. She is one of my favorite spiritual teachers. And “The Work” is a blend of guided or self-guided meditations, depending on whether you are working with a facilitator or a coach, or using the technique on your own. All of our techniques combine some physical action component, which I don’t believe The Work does, and The Work is specially designed to help someone let go of a dis-empowering belief or opinion by questioning the absolute truth of that belief or opinion and considering alternatives. Mind Sequencing is “shifting your inner state of being through a series of small and easy steps, sequences of thought and action, to achieve an intentional outcome”. By all means, use The Work if it works for you, especially if you are challenged with letting go of a painful thought.
What’s the difference between Mind Sequencing and self-guided meditations?
The Mind Sequencing sequences of thought and action are a form of self-guided meditation, typically shorter and more tactical, and encompassing a physical component. They are “sequences of thought and action”. To shift at the Spiritual level, we believe it is important to shift at the physical, mental, and emotional levels at the same time.
Is Perfect Peace and Unconditional Love really possible?
Yes. At first, it happens for only a few seconds or minutes at a time, and with practice, it can be experienced almost all of the time.
Who are your favorite spiritual teachers?
I have a bunch of them. Here’s my short list:
- Sri Sri Ravishankar
- Byron Katie
- Eckhart Tolle
- Gangaji
- Jason Nelson and Melissa Lilly
- Mindy Hart-Audlin
- John Pearson
- Mr. Rogers
Each of these teachers has helped me immensely on my journey and I am sure that they can help you, too.