
MSQ 2 | Showing Gratitude

MSQ 2 | Showing Gratitude


Gratitude is one of the most powerful ways of shifting your energy and lifting your spirits. In this podcast, Paul Hoyt offers thanks for this amazing human experience. By simply being grateful, you too can have positive energies flowing through your soul. Learn from Paul’s gratefulness to everything around him and you, too, can be empowered with gratitude towards everything you already have.

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Shift Your Energy And Lift Your Spirits With A Mountain Of Gratitude

The power of gratitude is one of the most powerful perspectives that we can possibly have. Spending a little bit of time being grateful for the many blessings in life can do a lot to lift our spirits and to shift our energy. Here then is a message on gratitude. Thank you. Thank you, God. Thank you, Source. Thank you, Allah. Thank you, Jehovah. Thank you, Yahweh. Thank you, Great Father. Thank you, Beloved Mother. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Buddha. Thank you, Muhammad. Thank you, Ananda. Thank you, Gurudev. Thank you to all the masters ascended and still with us. Thank you, angels and archangels and spirit guides. Thank you anyone and anything, everyone and everything that has anything to do with this incredible experience of life. I am most grateful.

MSQ 2 | Showing Gratitude
Showing Gratitude: Spending a little bit of time being grateful for the many blessings in life can do a lot to lift our spirits and shift our energy.


Thank you. Thank you for this loving presence, this joyful spirit, this awakened soul, this powerful Creator, this peaceful silent watcher, all of these wonderful aspects of the angel within that I have discovered, remembered, embraced and become so often these past few years, I am most grateful. Thank you. Thank you for this universe and the galaxies of stars. Thank you for the sun, the moon and the planets of our solar system. Thank you for our Mother Earth with her beautiful skies, her majestic mountains, plains, deserts, meadows, forests and rain forests. Thank you for the streams, the rivers, the lakes and the oceans.

Thank you for the plants, bushes, trees, grasses and grains that nourish us. Thank you for all the little critters who crawl, walk, run, trot, gallop, slither, slide, swim and fly. Thank you for all these wonderful people who share my journey. Thank you for this sharp mind and powerful body for my hands, fingers, feet, toes, for the eyes that see, the nose that blows and the lips that speak and kiss. Thank you for my healing breath and steady heartbeat. Thank you for my thoughts and my feelings. Thank you for each and every moment. I am most grateful. Thank you. Amen.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful perspectives that we can possibly have. Share on X

How about you? Are you thankful for the many blessings in your life? Here’s a suggested exercise. Say thank you about a thousand times now. Be more thankful and grateful than you have ever been until you are completely consumed with gratitude. Until we meet again, be wise, be brave. As much as you possibly can, love everybody and everything all the time.