Love Them All

Love Them All

Love them All, Love them All

Love them All, Love them All

        The young and the old

        The timid, the bold

The rich and the poor

The charmer, the bore

        The silly, the serious

        The known, the mysterious

The energetic, the lazy

The sane and the crazy

        The quiet, the loud

        The meek and the proud

The women, the men

The wide and the thin

The tiny, the tall

        Love them All, Love them All, Love them All.


Love them All, Love them All

Love them All, Love them All

        The dark and the light

        The dull and the bright

The shallow, the deep

The awake, the asleep

        The happy, the sad

        The calm and the mad

The short and the long

The weak and the strong

        The kind and the mean

        The distraught, the serene

The plain and the classy

The quiet, the sassy

        The fast and the slow

        The high and the low

The friend and the foe

The ex and the beau

        The large and the small

Love them All, Love them All, Love them All.

Who do you love? Who do you not love?

Suggested Exercise: Practice loving everyone you meet and everyone you have yet to meet.

** Mind Sequencing is a revolutionary personal development and stress relief system that enables you to shift your energy and lift your spirits anytime and anywhere.  It is the only meditation technique designed specifically for today's busy professional. Check it out and read more articles at  The next Master Class starts soon!